Leksell GammaPlan
Integrated treatment planning for Leksell Gamma Knife
Precision and efficiency in treatment planning
Leksell GammaPlan is a sophisticated treatment planning and management software that is fully integrated with Leksell Gamma Knife and is specifically designed to meet intracranial radiosurgery needs. It provides specialized tools that make full use of the advanced technology incorporated into the system, while ensuring safe and efficient treatment workflows.
Integrated treatment planning with Leksell Gamma Knife
Fully integrated with and designed for Leksell Gamma Knife.
Complete complex radiosurgery plans within minutes with:
- Fast and intuitive dose planning: Quick dose planning, even for complex cases such as multiple brain metastases, is made possible with optimized treatment planning with Leksell Gamma Knife Lightning.
- DICOM RT interoperability : Leverage data generated by external systems through DICOM RT interoperability.
- Flexible image-oriented workspace: Supports DICOM image studies obtained from MRI, CT, CBCT, and PET scans.
- WarpSpeed™—Real-time update of dose distribution.
- ImageMerge™—Using frameless images, any nonstereotactic image study can be matched with a Leksell® Coordinate Frame scanned image.
- ColorPET™—Support for color PET images.
- Convolution—Increased dose accuracy near heterogeneities.
- Optional MOSAIQ connectivity providing seamless integration with MOSAIQ Oncology Information System for complete patient charting and a streamlined clinical workflow.
Flexible optimized workflows with Leksell GammaPlan
Leksell GammaPlan supports several workflows for treatment planning and delivery with Gamma Knife.
Online adaptive dose control
Automatically corrected dose plan according to the patient position can be generated through:
For frameless treatments, a fully integrated and guided workflow is provided for automatic correction and online evaluation of delivery dose based on the current patient position from stereotactic CBCT images. For frame-based treatments, CBCT may be used as an optional quality assurance for patient positioning.
Replanning tools with optional dose summation are provided to facilitate plan adaptation for single session or fractionated treatments. Retreatment functionality provides tools for efficient management of recurring disease—particularly metastases.
Functional planning is supported with the optional AtlasSpace® (Schaltenbrand and Wahren) brain atlas, and functional targeting can be done based on the relative intercommisural line.
Advanced dose evaluation
Online dose evaluation tool, using CBCT stereotactic imaging, allows for efficient plan review and adjustment.
Automatically corrected dose delivery
The dose is corrected by automatic re-planning of collimators and sector.
Safe and efficient workflows
Flexible and well-defined workflows
Well-defined, safe and efficient workflows on both frame-based and frameless treatments, single and multiple targets as well as single session, staged and fractionated treatments.
Adaptive treatments
Re-planning tools with dose summation facilitate plan adaptation of fractionated and staged treatments.
Clinical confidence and ease-of-use
Leksell GammaPlan is specifically designed to meet radiosurgery needs and allows physicians to tailor a treatment for a specific medical condition.
"If the patient moves, in a few seconds, the GammaPlan software automatically adapts the plan to the new position of the patient’s head and displays the dose distribution before and after this automated recalculation. This allows the physician to identify any discrepancies between the initial plan and the recalculated plan according to the new patient position.”
Dr. Jean Regis, Neurosurgeon, La Timone Hospital, France

Leksell GammaPlan® Remote
Treatment planning – Anytime, Anywhere.
The Leksell GammaPlan Remote system utilizes the existing, secure hospital network to enable off site Gamma Knife treatment, planning and reviewing for Leksell Gamma Knife Icon and Perfexion users.
Physicians, neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists and other professionals are able to contribute toward the patient's treatment plan without the limitations of a single dedicated workstation.
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