Elekta's Next Generation of Interoperability | Interoperability | Oncology Informatics | Elekta hero

Elekta's Next Generation of Interoperability

Elekta is excited to continue innovation in interoperability by adding FHIR to its existing framework.


如有任何疑问,请联系: Interop@Elekta.com







医科达非常高兴能将FHIR添加到其现有框架中,继续在互操作性方面进行创新。医科达的新FHIR框架将允许第三方开发人员使用快速医疗保健互操作性资源(FHIR)构建面向临床医生和患者的应用程序。该框架将简化整个医疗保健生态系统中,复杂的通用数据和肿瘤学特定数据的交换,从而改善MOSAIQ医生和患者的临床治疗效果。FHIR API是一项关键的新功能,是确保符合ONC Health IT认证计划的必要条件。

Elekta’s Compliance with the 21st Century Cures Act

The 21st Century Cures Act (21CC) and the resulting regulations published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) are intended to give patients and their healthcare providers more control of, and access to, health information. 21CC aims to increase innovation and competition by fostering an ecosystem of new applications to provide patients and clinicians with better information and more choices. To do this, 21CC promotes increased interoperability and communications between providers and electronic medical record (EMR) systems through new ONC certification standards and prohibits “information blocking.”

21CC puts into place new requirements for healthcare providers, Health IT developers, and electronic medical record vendors. For Health IT Developers, such as Elekta, these new requirements were instituted through the ONC Health IT Certification Program.

ONC Health IT Certification Program

Elekta actively participates in the ONC Health IT Certification Program, working to provide its clinicians with a version of MOSAIQ that is deemed a 2015 Certified Electronic Health Record. To maintain compliance with the requirements of the ONC Health IT Certification Program, Elekta is required to make updates and changes to its current 2015 CEHRT offerings by December 31, 2022. The updates and changes to the 2015 CEHRT solution required are intended to improve patient access to information and encourage interoperability in the healthcare space.

FHIR Application Developer Registration

Elekta welcomes partnerships with application developers.

The Site admins of MOSAIQ Electronic Health Record have permission to add the application.

To build an application with Elekta’s FHIR API Authorization Server, the below information is required:

  • Application Name
  • Application Logo (Optional)
  • Application URL
  • Application Redirect URL
  • Application Signoff (Logout) URL
  • Application scope to access resources

If you would like to register an application with Elekta, please contact Interop@Elekta.com and provide the above information. A member of the Elekta team will reply with appropriate next steps.

To learn more about the FHIR standard, please click here.

Elekta’s FHIR API Documentation

Elekta's FHIR API Documentation is available here.

If you have any questions regarding Elekta’s FHIR documentation, please email Interop@Elekta.com.

For additional information on the FHIR standard please click here.