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A complete applicator range fitting a variety of anatomies and body regions
Easy to use CT/MR brachytherapy applicators adaptable for a diverse patient population.
Elekta's wide array of brachytherapy applicators are available for many applications, from intracavitary to interstitial use, and are designed to deliver increasingly more precise doses in brachytherapy.
This form of brachytherapy involves the surgical placement of the radioactive source into or near the cancer tumor, for example in the treatment of prostate cancer.
Intracavity brachytherapy involves the placement of the radioactive source into a natural body cavity, for example in the treatment of breast cancer after breast conserving surgery (BCS).
Suitable for use for cancer treatment of a variety of body regions
Advanced Gynecological Applicator
Venezia enables physicians to treat advanced cervical disease with interstitial brachytherapy in a pre-defined and reproducible way, ensuring optimal dose distribution for most patients.
As a new option for treating advanced stage cervical cancer, Venezia hybrid applicator system proved an easy transition for those with any experience of cervical cancer brachytherapy techniques.
Venezia is an applicator system that will enable clinicians to easily reach the cervix, parametrium and vaginal extensions in stage IIIA and IIIB tumors. The female reproductive system has been difficult to reach with current brachytherapy techniques.
Venezia™ hybrid applicator permits reproducible application to increase clinical target volume (CTV) coverage in patients with distal parametrial tumor residue during interstitial and intracavitary brachytherapy of locally advanced cervical cancer.
Learn more about VeneziaUniversal Gynecological Applicator
Geneva applicator permits the reproducible application of high dose rate brachytherapy for both definitive and adjuvant cervical cancer treatment.
Easy to assemble and easy to insert, Geneva accommodates most female pelvic anatomies and is suitable for treating the majority of cervical cancer cases up to stage IIB. Offering distortion-free imaging and the option for guided interstitial brachytherapy with every configuration, Geneva provides unprecedented versatility without compromising ease of use and precision.
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Elekta Care